The speed limit on a busy road near a Wiltshire school will be reduced after safety concerns.

Corsham Primary School, which sits next to the B3109 Bradford Road, and Box Parish Council have previously called for a reduction to the route’s 50mph speed limit.

While many have pushed for a new 30mph zone to be introduced, the council has now confirmed the speed limit will be changed to 40mph.

Work to reduce the speed limit will start in the week commencing April 22, and an advisory 20mph speed limit will also be in place during school opening and closing times.

From 8.20am until 9am and 2.50pm until 3.20pm, during term time, flashing signs will be in place to warn people of this 20mph speed limit.

The council says these measures have been agreed with Corsham Primary School.

Wiltshire Times: The speed limit signs outside Corsham Primary SchoolThe speed limit signs outside Corsham Primary School (Image: Cllr Derek Walters)

Cllr Caroline Thomas, the cabinet member for transport at the time the decision was made, explained a 30mph speed limit would likely not be adhered to.

She said: “We have listened to community concerns about the safety of the B3109 and, following our investigation, have decided to reduce the speed limit to 40mph and 20mph during the times when children will be travelling to and from school.

“We recognise that many people think that the speed limit should be 30mph, but our research shows that it is unlikely that this would be adhered to by the majority of motorists, which is why we have gone for this option as a more appropriate solution.

“As set out in our Business Plan, we are committed to improving road safety, and we feel that these changes, plus the continued monitoring of the road, will make it safer for both pedestrians and all other road users.”

The changes come after a long-running campaign from the school’s headteacher Kerry Parker and local councillors.

In September last year, Mrs Parker told this paper the 50mph limit was not appropriate for a road running between a school and a residential area.

Wiltshire Times: Corsham Primary head Kerry ParkerCorsham Primary head Kerry Parker (Image: Kerry Parker)

She said: “We have families caught in the middle on the traffic island between cars passing at 50mph which is not conducive to anyone’s wellbeing.

“Over the last two years we’ve had two collisions right outside the gates, we’ve had the barrier on the pavement outside crumpled by a lorry.”

A new footway will also be provided linking Park Place to the toucan crossing on Bradford Road later this year.

There are also ongoing discussions over relocating the school gate and fence to widen the existing footway.